Monday, January 31, 2022

Top Ways to Help Improve a Young Child's Writing Skills

op Ways to Help Improve a Young Child's Writing Skills

Top Ways To Help Improve A Young Child's Writing Skills

If you have a young child, it doesn’t matter whether you home-school him or he goes to a local school each day. You will undoubtedly want him to have a good education, and he'll likely be better at some subjects than others.

Written language skills can often be challenging for young kids, and you might be here today because your child is struggling to develop his writing skills. There’s no denying that writing is an important part of communication - and it’s a skill everyone uses each day.

It does take time to develop strong writing skills. If your child is struggling more than most with his command of the written word, there are some steps you can take to help him overcome those challenges. Take a look at the following inspirational ideas:

Encourage Your Child To Read Lots Of Books

Children prefer to play computer games, go outdoors to play with their friends, or engage in a variety of other activities in their spare time. One activity you could encourage your child to do when she's not at school is to read books.

Reading lots of books regularly will help your child in several ways. Firstly, it will expand her vocabulary and show her different ways to use words, and secondly, she will better understand how to use words in other contexts.

Lastly, reading will bolster her writing skills. Make sure that you’re reading books together and read at a pace that’s comfortable for her.

Hire An English Tutor

Another idea might be to hire an English tutor. It doesn’t matter whether English is your child’s first or second language; hiring an English tutor that works with children the same age as yours can be the perfect accompaniment to his regular schooling.

Most English tutors can teach written language skills over the Internet using tools such as shared desktops. It’s both an immersive and interactive learning experience that children will enjoy.

Plus, a tutor will dedicate all the lesson time to your child instead of sharing it with other kids. It’s worth looking into hiring an English tutor as it can often make a massive difference to a child’s written language development.

Make Learning Fun

Let’s face it: learning is not always fun and, frankly, teachers and parents really shouldn't be under so much pressure to always make it fun. Honestly, some degree of occasional boredom is good for children. However, making many learning experiences fun for your child will help instill within her a love for learning which will stretch across all learning areas, including practicing good written language skills.

One idea is to provide your children with crossword puzzles or even an interactive game to play where they must write the answers to questions before they can progress to the next level of a game.

Have Your Child Write Letters

This is one of my favorite ways to help children improve writing skills.

Before the days of smartphones and the Internet, children would often write letters to their distant friends and relatives. One final idea for improving your child’s written skills is by having them write letters to people they know.

It’s fun and they have full creative control over what they write. They could also include some drawings in their letters.


Top Ways to Help Improve a Young Child's Writing Skills
Top Ways to Help Improve a Young Child's Writing Skills

Thursday, January 27, 2022

He Loves You With An Everlasting Love

He loves you with an everlasting love.
Image Credit:  hudsoncrafted - CCO Public Domain Image via Pixabay

He Loves You With An Everlasting Love

Last week, I met a few friends for lunch.  One of them brought us friendship gifts.  Mine is a little box filled with 101 Favorite Bible Verses for Women. The first one I pulled out was from Jeremiah 31:3.  It is a reminder of God's everlasting love.  He loves me.  He loves you.  He loves us with an everlasting love.

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with lovingkindness. - Jeremiah 31:3

What does this mean exactly?

Let's start with the definition of the word "everlasting."  Everlasting means:

*lasting forever; eternal

*lasting or continuing for an indefinitely long time

*incessant; constantly recurring

*wearisome; tedious

*eternal duration; eternity

*the everlasting, God

He loves you with an everlasting love.
This unframed scripture print is available here.

Let's let our minds dwell on the definition for a minute - lasting forever, constantly recurring,  eternal duration. 

He loves you forever.  He constantly loves you.  He loves you for eternity.

Sister in Christ, there is nothing you can do, nothing you can say, nothing you can think that will stop God from loving you.  He is a just God, yes.  He requires obedience but our shortcomings won't keep Him from loving us. He is the God who was, the God who is, and the God who always will be.  He is the God who loved you yesterday, the God who loves you today, and the God who will love you for all your tomorrows.  

Let's take a minute to look at one of the definitions above that I didn't mention in the last paragraph - wearisome, tedious.  This doesn't mean that God grows weary from loving us or that loving us is too hard for him.  It means He loves us through the hard stuff.  He loves us when we are unlovable.  He meets us where we are no matter how messy we become.

He loves us enough to send His only Son to bear the burden of our sin.  We learn in John 3:16 that a relationship with Jesus is the only way to an eternity in Heaven but God loves us enough to have provided us a way to Him.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not die but have eternal life. - John 3:16

Will you rest in this truth today, friend?  Whatever you are facing today, God will meet you there and He will love you with an everlasting love.  

Will you trust Him as your Lord and Savior today?  He not only loves you with an everlasting love.  He draws you with lovingkindness.


He loves you with an everlasting love.
He loves you with an everlasting love.

He loves you with an everlasting love.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Don't Eat Snow Ice Cream

Don't Eat Snow Ice Cream
Image Credit:  marcruiz - CCO Public Domain Image via Pixabay

We only get a little snow here in the south.  We might accumulate a few inches every few years or so.  Once in a while, we have a measurable amount to build a snowman.  Snow days were RARE, so when we got one, it was AWESOME!  I remember getting up early for school and watching flurries fall.  This was way back before the electronic age.  We had no email, computer, cell phone, or social media - nothing but a television news crew to let us know what counties, if any, would be out of school for the day.  We would watch that never-ending scroll at the bottom of the screen that listed the county school systems and the private schools that had called off school for the day.  They listed the school systems in alphabetical order.  We would watch the counties scroll by time after time after time.  A new county or private school would be added with each scroll.  I couldn't wait for the crawl to scroll by again, praying that our county would be added to the next round.  Finally!  There it was.  We hooped and hollered - so excited to get a snow day.  Every time it snowed, which wasn't that often, my mother would make snow ice cream.  We loved it.  My brother and I would gather up a big stash of fluffy white snow (if it wasn't iced over) and bring it inside for my mother to make snow ice cream.  We never thought about what might be in that snow.  It was clean, right?  It was nice white, fluffy, clean snow.  Well, back then, we were kids, so we didn't really care.  Well, a few inches of snow fell over our area this past weekend.  Someone on social media had completed an experiment that resulted in her telling us, "Don't eat snow ice cream!"

Don't Eat Snow Ice Cream
The Berenstain Bears Snowbears

My children are all grown up now, but I made snow ice cream for them a few times when they were younger.  Here, we are in the middle of another rare snowstorm.  As I looked outside to gaze at the beautiful new fallen white stuff that covered our porches, deck, and the hills and mountains beyond our home, I wondered what might be in the snow.  What had I eaten as a child?  What had I fed my kids when they were children?  Discussing this issue with my adult daughters, we decided that since the experiment the  TV lady had done was completed in the city of Atlanta, that must be the reason for the dirty snow.  Surely, out here in the county where the air is cleaner, enjoying snow ice cream is safe.  But we still wondered, so we decided to complete our own experiment. 

Parents and teachers, do this experiment with your kids. Show them that pollutants get into our air. As the snow falls, the pollutants in the air come down with it. We might not see them when they are mixed in with the snow, but we can see them after the snow melts.

If your kids like doing science experiments, consider getting them a science experiment kit.

Don't Eat Snow Ice Cream
Science Experiment Kit for Kids

I headed for the cabinet to grab a clear glass mug. Then, I stepped outside to gather a handful of clean snow. This snow was gathered just outside my deck door, where no person or animal had yet touched, disturbed, or tainted it. It was white and fluffy. It appeared as clean as could be. As soon as I packed it into the mug and brought it inside, I noticed a few black spots. Do you see the spots?

Don't Eat Snow Ice Cream
Clean White Snow Inside A Clear Glass Mug

Now, we waited.  We waited for the snow to melt so we could see anything left inside the mug except for clear water from the melted snow.

A while late, the snow had melted.  At first glance, I thought, "Oh, see?  The water is clear, so our nice clean air up here away from the city isn't so bad."  

Then, I looked more closely from the top of the mug.  Eeeeewwwwwww

Don't Eat Snow Ice Cream
Dirty Yuck Left Behind After the Snow Melted

Don't Eat Snow Ice Cream

Yuck! All those black spots—dirt or whatever—were mixed into the snow. That is what we would have eaten if I had made snow ice cream from it. Actually, we would have eaten a bigger helping of yuck because I would have needed a lot more snow for a good batch of snow ice cream.  

Y'all . . . don't eat snow ice cream!

I'm glad I enjoyed snow ice cream in the past.  It helped create some great memories, but I will never make it or eat it again.  


Don't Eat Snow Ice Cream

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing

Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
Image Credit:  Free Bible Images

In Genesis 25, we learned how Esau traded his birthright to Jacob in exchange for a bowl of soup.  Now, we are going learn how Jacob takes Esau's blessing before his father's death.  We will find this story in Genesis 27.  

Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing

Isaac is now an old man whose eyes have grown weak so that he can no longer see.  Isaac believes he will not live much longer so he calls his oldest son, Esau, to him so that he can give Esau his blessing.  Isaac instructs Esau to go hunting to bring back food to prepare it the way he likes it.  Then when he has eaten the food he likes, he will give Esau his blessing.

Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
Image Credit:  Free Bible Images

Rebekah, upon hearing the conversation between Isaac and Esau, waits for Esau to leave for the hunt.  Then she tells Jacob about the conversation.  She send Jacob after two goats so that she can prepare a meal as Isaac likes it.  She tells Jacob to take the food she cooks to Esau before Esau returns so that Isaac will offer Jacob the blessing instead.

Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
Image Credit:  Free Bible Images

Jacob brings up the obvious differences between the two brothers.  Esau is a hairy man while Jacob has smooth skin.  He knows that if Isaac touches him, his father will know that he is Jacob and not Esau.  This would bring a curse on him rather than a blessing.

Rebekah tells Jacob to let the curse fall on her.  He is to do what she tells him.

Jacob brings back the goats.  Rebekah cooks the meat the way Isaac likes it.  Then she takes Esau's best clothes and gives them to Jacob to wear.  She covers Jacob's hands and his neck with goat skins so that he will appear as if he is Esau.

Jacob takes the food Rebekah has cooked to his father, Isaac.  He tells his father that he is Esau.  He tells Issac that he has brought him the food he asked for.  He tells Issac to eat the food and then to give him his father's blessing.

Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
Image Credit:  Free Bible Images

Isaac wants to know how he found the food and cooked it so quickly.  Jacob tells him that God provided it.

Isaac asked Jacob to come closer so that he can touch him to make sure he is actually Esau.  Isaac notices that Jacob's hands are hairy like Esau but he hears the voice of Jacob. 

Isaac obviously has his doubts but he asks, "Are you really my son, Esau?"

Jacob lies again with is response, "I am."

Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
NASB Life Application Study Bible

In spite of Isaac's doubts, Jacob manages to successfully trick his father into believing he is Esau.  Isaac asks Jacob to bring him the food so that he may eat it and then give his blessing.  After eating, Isaac asked Jacob to come kiss him.  When Jacob kisses his father, his father smells Esau's clothing so he offers Jacob the blessing that would have been Esau's blessing.

"Ah, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field that the Lord has blessed.  

May God give you Heaven's due and earth's richness and abundance of grain and new wine.  

May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you.  

Be lord over your brothers and may the sons of your mother bow down to you.  

May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed."

When Isaac finishes his blessing, Jacob barely has time to leave when Esau comes in.  Esau had prepared food for Isaac as he had been asked to do and brought it to his father.  Like his brother had just done, Esau asks Isaac to sit up and eat the food he has prepared for him so that he will then offer his blessing.

Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
Image Credit:  Free Bible Images

Isaac asks, "Who are you?"

Esau tells Isaac that he is his son, Esau.

In Genesis 27:33, we are told that Isaac trembled violently asking, "Who was it then that hunted game and brought it to me.  I ate it just before you came and I blessed him - and indeed he will be blessed."

Esau does not take the news well.  He cries for Isaac to bless him as well.  Isaac tells Esau that his brother, Jacob, had come in and deceitfully taken Esau's blessing. Esau tells Isaac that this is the second time Jacob has taken advantage of him.  He first took Esau's birthright and now he has taken Esau's blessing.  Esau again asks Issac if there is any blessing he has reserved for him?

Isaac tells Esau about the blessing he had unknowingly given to his bother, Jacob.

I have made him lord over you and have made all his relatives his servants, and I have sustained him with grain and new wine.  So what can I possibly do for you, my son?
Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
Genesis 12-33 The Father of Israel

Esau cries aloud, "Do you have only one blessing, my father? Bless me too!"

Isaac answers:

Your dwelling will be away from the earth's richness, away from the dew of Heaven above.  

You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother.

But when you grow restless, you will throw his yolk from off your back. 

Esau holds a grudge against Jacob.  He plans to kill Jacob after Isaac dies.  

Someone tells Rebekah what Esau had said.  Rebekah sends Jacob to her brother, Laban.  She tells Jacob to stay there until Esau is no longer angry.  She tells Jacob that she will send for him when it is safe for him to come back.  Rebekah expresses to Jacob that she doesn't want to lose both of her sons in one day.

Rebekah tells Isaac that she is disgusted with Esau's Hittite wives.  She tells her husband that if her son, Jacob, takes a wife from the Hittite women, her life won't be worth living. 

Issac sends for Jacob, blesses him, and then tells him to go to his mother's father's land (where her brother, Laban, still lives.) He instructs Jacob to take a wife from his mother's brother's daughters.

Before sending Jacob on his way, he tells him:

"May God almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples.  May He give you and your descendants the blessing given to Abraham so that you make take possession of the land where you now reside as a foreigner, the land God gave to Abraham."

Esau somehow learns how his parents feel about his wives, that they displease Isaac and Rebekah so he goes to Ishmael (Isaac's half brother who was born to Hagar) and marries Mahalath, one of Ishmael's daughters.

You might be wondering, as I did, why Isaac did not somehow void his blessing to Jacob due to deception and give it to his older son, Esau.  You have to consider the culture of the times.  Also, these Old Testament men spoke from divine inspiration.  The Believer's Bible Commentary explains it this way.

When Esau returned and learned of the deception, he sought the blessing tearfully. But the blessing had been granted to Jacob and it couldn’t be retracted (Heb. 12:1617). However, Isaac did have a word for Esau, as follows:

Far from rich soil on earth shall you live, far from the dew of heaven on high; you shall live by the sword and serve your brother; but when you grow restive, his yoke you shall break (vv. 39, 40—Moffatt).

This suggests that the Edomites would live in desert places, would be warriors, would be subject to the Israelites, but would one day rebel against this rule. This latter prophecy was fulfilled in the reign of Joram, King of Judah (2 Kgs. 8:20–22). - Believer's Bible Commentary

Life Lesson From This Story:  Deception results in heartache.

Rebekah and Jacob's deception resulted heartache.

*Jacob's brother sought to kill him.

*Jacob had to leave his home and his parents to escape Esau's threat.

*Rebekah had to send her son (her favorite) away.

*Isaac trembled violently because his son had deceived him.

Teach the Kids

The best way to teach your children Biblical history is to read the stories to them straight from the Bible.  Make sure your kids know that these "stories" are not just stories like many other books they might read.  Be sure they know that these stories are actual events in Biblical history.
Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
The Adventure Bible for Kids

In addition to reading the Bible, your kids can do the following activities to enhance their learning experience. 

Cathy's Corner:  Jacob and Esau from Bible Fun for Kids

Activities for a Lesson On Jacob and Esau from Classroom


Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing
Jacob Takes Esau's Blessing

Friday, January 14, 2022

Isaac and the Wells: The Oath of Peace

Isaac and the Wells
Image Credit - Public Domain Image via Wikimedia Commons

Isaac and the Wells

In Genesis 26, we are introduced to the story of Isaac and the wells, which leads up to his oath of peace between himself and Abimelek.  

The story opens with news of famine in the land, another famine besides the one during Abraham's time. Due to the famine, Isaac travels toward Gerar, which is present-day south-central Israel. God appears to Isaac to tell him not to travel to Egypt. God instructs Isaac to live in the land where God tells him to live. God always keeps his promises. Here, He reminds Isaac of the oath He had sworn to his father, Abraham.

Do not go down to Egypt.  Live in the land where I tell you to live. Stay in this land for a while and I will be with you and will bless you.  For to you and your descendants I will give all these lands and will confirm the oath I swore to your father, Abraham.  I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because Abraham obeyed me and did everything I required of him, keeping My commands, my decrees, and my instructions.  So Isaac stayed in Gerar. - Genesis 26:2-6

While there, Isaac tells Abimelek the same lie his father, Abraham, had told. Just as Abraham had told Abimelek that Sarah was his sister, Isaac tells Abimelek that Rebekah is his sister, not his wife. Isaac is afraid the men in the area will kill him for Rebekah because Rebekah is so beautiful. As with Abraham, Abimelek realizes that Isaac has lied. Abimelek goes to Isaac with the same concern that he encountered with Abraham.  

"What is this you have done to us?  One of the men might well have slept with your wife and you would have brought guilt upon us." - Genesis 26:10

Isaac explains that he lied because he was afraid for his life because of Rebekah's beauty.  Abimelek orders his people to not harm Isaac or Rebekah.  Anyone who harms either of them will be put to death.

Isaac stays and plants crops. God blesses Isaac so that he reaps 100 times what he had planted. Isaac becomes wealthy with many flocks, herds, and servants. The Philistines grow jealous of Isaac and send him away. Abimelek tells Isaac that he has become too powerful for them.

Isaac doesn't fight the situation.  He moves, but he doesn't go far.  He remains in the Valley of Gerar.  After Abraham died, the Philistines stopped up the wells that Abraham had dug there, so Isaac unstopped them and renamed them the same names that his father, Abraham, had named them.

Isaac's servants dig as well and discover a well of fresh water, but the herders in Gerar fight for the well, claiming that it belongs to them.

Isaac's servants dig another well, but the herders in Gerar claim that well also.

Isaac's servants dig a third well.  This time, the herders in Gerar leave him alone.  Isaac names the third well, Rehoboth, saying that the Lord has given them room so they will now flourish in the land.

From Gerar, Isaac goes to Beersheba.  The Lord appears to Isaac and says:

I Am the God of your father, Abraham.  Do not be afraid for I am with you.  I will bless you and will increase the number of your descendants for the sake of My servant, Abraham. - Genesis 26:24

Isaac does as his father, Abraham, had done.  He builds an altar and calls on the name of the Lord.  He pitches a tent there and his servants dig another well.

Now, Abimelek comes to Isaac along with Ahuzzath, Abimelek's personal advisor, and Phicol, the commander of Abimelek's forces.  

Isaac asks them why they have come to him since they had sent him away.

They tell Isaac that they clearly see that the Lord is with Isaac, so they want to make an oath of peace with Isaac.  

Isaac prepares a feast for them. Early the next morning, they swear an oath of peace, and Abimelek and his men go away in peace.

Isaac's servants report to them that the fourth well is a success.  They found water.

Teach the Kids

Here is a short video that is great for teaching this story to kids.


What lessons do we learn from Genesis 26?

1.  God always keeps his promises.  

2.  God blesses obedience and faithfulness.

3.  It is a good thing if we can settle our differences peacefully.

Isaac and the Wells
Isaac and the Wells

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Camping Essentials That Often Get Forgotten

Pexels. CCO Licensed

Camping Essentials That Often Get Forgotten

Got a camping trip planned? Before you set off, it’s important to make sure that you’ve packed all the right essentials. Some items are obvious (such as your tent. Don’t forget your tent!). Other items are less obvious, but could still have a big impact on the comfort (and safety) of your trip. Below are some of these commonly forgotten items.

Trash Bags

If you’re staying on a campsite, there are likely to be bins to dump your trash. However, these may not be located immediately near to your pitch, so you’ll likely want to bring a bag for storing your trash so you’re not constantly having to make trips back and forth. Bags for storing dirty laundry could also be useful.

Wet Wipes

When it comes to keeping you and your tent clean, wet wipes can be useful to have at the ready. Alternatively, consider bringing some paper towels with you. Wet wipes are particularly necessary if you have young kids.

Toilet Paper

Most campsite bathrooms should be stocked up with toilet paper. However, for those unfortunate instances where this isn’t the case (or if you’re wild camping and haven’t got access to bathrooms) it’s worth packing some toilet paper to bring.


Campsites can get very muddy if it’s recently been raining. This is particularly the case with busy campsites that have a lot of footfall (such as festival campsites). At the very least, consider packing some hiking boots. Don’t be tempted to pack only sandals just because it’s the heat of summer.


If you’re bringing any camping gadgets that run off batteries, be sure to bring some spare batteries in case these items run out of power. Flashlights are a typical example of a gadget that requires batteries. While you can use your phone to provide a flashlight, a purpose-built camping light such as these ones found at is likely to be more powerful and more beneficial if you’re somewhere remote.

Camping Stove Fuel

Bringing a camping stove could give you the option to cook your own food. However, you won’t be able to cook much if you don’t have camping stove fuel. Different camping stoves typically run off different forms of fuel - usually propane or butane. Make sure you buy the right one. There are old skool camping stoves that you can buy to place directly on a campsite - if you plan to bring one of these make sure you’ve got firewood, matches (or a lighter) and firelighters.

Duct Tape

A roll of duct help could help if you need to make any emergency fixes while camping. Tent got a hole in it? Tent pole broken? With a bit of duct tape you can quickly fix the problem. Check out this post on camping duct tape hacks at REI.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is something you should always bring while travelling, but could be particularly useful when camping somewhere remote if you don’t have immediate access to a medic. You can buy first aid kits that have all the essentials in such as bandages, gauzes and antiseptic liquid. With any luck, you’ll never have to use it, however it’s worth having just in case.


Camping Essentials That Often Get Forgotten
Camping Essentials That Often Get Forgotten

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Best Wooden Toys for Kids

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Best Wooden toys for Kids

Electronic toys are all the rage from toddlerhood all the way through adulthood.  Adults get the privilege of picking out their own toys - big screen TVs, iPads, computers, cell phones, smart appliances - the list goes on and on.  Children depend on adults to pick out their toys for them.  Parents, you are in charge.  You get to decide what toys your kids do and do not play with.  Choose wisely.  It's OK for kids to have electronic toys, but they need non-electronic toys as well.  In fact, in my opinion, children should have more non-electronic toys than electronic toys.  They certainly should spend more time playing with non-electronic toys.  Playing with non-electronic toys gives kids a chance to exercise their own imaginations and build small motor skills, large motor skills, and even critical thinking skills.  Playing with non-electronic toys allows kids to do STEM and STEAM activities without even realizing it.  With proper age appropriate toys, kids learn while they play.  A good way to build these skills and many more skills is to allow your kids to enjoy wooden toys.  If you think back to your own childhood, especially if you are older like me, you can probably think of your favorite childhood toys.  You are probably remembering a few favorite toys right now which probably includes memories of wooden toys.  If you would like to add wooden toys to your child's toy box or playroom, I've compiled a list of the best wooden toys for kids.

Best Wooden Toys for Kids

Melissa and Doug Wooden Building Blocks Set.  

This set includes 100 blocks in four colors and nine shapes.

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Melissa and Doug Wooden Building Blocks Set

This item is available here.

Balance Beam Stepping Stones Gymnastics Obstacle Course Balance Boards

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Balance Beam Stepping Stones Gymnastics Obstacle Course Balance Boards

This item is available here.

Wooden Magnetic Fishing Game

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Fishing Game

Wooden Play Food

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Play Food

Vegetable Shape Sorter

Best Wooden toys for Kids
Vegetable Shape Sorter

Wooden Reading Blocks

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Reading Blocks

This item is available here.

Wooden Bike with Rubberized Wheels

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Bike with Rubberized Wheels

Wooden Toddler Puzzles

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Toddler Puzzles

Musical Instruments

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Musical Instruments

First Pounding Bench with Pegs

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
First Pounding Bench with Pegs

Sorting Stacking Balancing Stones

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Sorting, Balancing, Stacking Stones

This item is available here.

Play Tool Workbench

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Play Tool Workbench

Mickey Mouse Stacking Train Set

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Mickey Mouse Stacking Train Set

Musical Wooden Piano

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Musical Wooden Piano

Shape Sorting Cube

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Shape Sorting Cube

Wooden Sorter Game

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Sorter Game

This item is available here.

Winnie the Pooh Balance Blocks

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Winnie the Pooh Balance Blocks

Wooden Truck

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden Truck

School Bus with 7 Play Figures

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Wooden School Bus with 7 Play Figures

Here is an oldie but a goodie.  Remember Lincoln Logs?  We had them.  My cousins had them.  We played with them all the time.  Lincoln Logs provided hours of educational entertainment for us way back then and they are still fun for kids to play with today.

Lincoln Logs

Best Wooden Toys for Kids
Lincoln Logs

This item is available here.

As you can see, wooden toys are still great items for kids.  They provide hours of entertainment and kids learn while they play which is, in my opinion, the best way to learn for younger children.  I hope you find these suggestions helpful.  

Did I leave out a favorite from your childhood or a wooden toy your kids love?  Tell us about them in the comments!


Best Wooden Toys for Kids

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Pumpkin Season White Ceramic Mug, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Suitable for Hot Liquids

Pumpkin Season White Ceramic Mug, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Suitable for Hot Liquids
Grab yours here!

Beach Themed Coloring Pages: 110 Coloring Pages

Beach Themed Coloring Pages: 110 Coloring Pages
Grab yours here!

Verse of the Day from Bible Gateway