Saturday, September 23, 2017

We All Have At Least One Goliath, But Goliaths Can Fall (Goliath Must Fall Bible Study Series - FREE)

Goliath Must Fall
Image Used by Permission via Louie Giglio Goliath Must Fall Bible Study Subscription (Publicity File)

Goliath Must Fall

One of my favorite movies ever is Facing the Giants.  I love it so much because I can relate to it so much.  Most of us can.  It's a story about a man, Grant Taylor, who faces several challenges at once.  Those challenges (his giants) test his faith to the max, but like David, Grant learns to trust the God who provides.  Like David, with his faith in God alone, Grant knocks down his giants.

One of the scenes that plays over and over again in my mind is the scene where Grant's wife faces her toughest test of faith.  After a long hard battle that she might never win on this earth, she prays to God and tells Him that even if He does not provide this particular desire of her heart, she will still love Him.  That was her turning point.  Her slingshot was loaded.  Her stone, at that moment, was hurled at her giant.  Her Goliath fell.

So many prayers I've prayed for so many heart's desires.  Lord, please don't give up on that person.  Lord, please help me through this situation.  Lord, please heal that person.  Lord, please give me this.  Lord, please provide that.  Lord, please spare me these circumstances.  Lord please . . . . and on and on and on.  It occurred to me that I had never prayed, "Lord, this is my heart's desire, but even if you don't give it to me, I will still love You."

Knocking down a Goliath doesn't mean that God will deliver us from terrible circumstances.  When we learn to place our total trust in the Lord, no matter what - the Goliath falls.

This is something I'm dealing with right now.  I'm learning to slay giants one at a time.  Instead of begging God to change my circumstances, uttering an Amen, and then going about my business, I'm learning to pour my heart's desires at the feet of Jesus and then adding, "but even if you don't, I will still love You."

I'm reminded of the lyrics from Even If by Mercy Me:
I know You're able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone
(from Even If by Mercy Me)
Even If by Mercy Me has become one of my favorite songs.  Whenever I hear it, I close my eyes (unless I'm driving) and pray the song.  It echoes my heart.  You might say it has become my heart-song.

The Lord has provided another way to prepare me for the battle of slaying giants.  Louie Giglio is offering a FREE 6 week online Bible study.  Did you hear that?  A FREE 6 week Bible study by LOUIE GIGLIO.  The study is called . . . you guessed it . . . Goliath Must Fall.  The study starts on October 1, 2017.  When you sign up for the study, you get several free resources.

The Bible study includes:
  • FREE access to 6 online study videos
  • FREE first chapter of Goliath Must Fall audio book
  • FREE session one Goliath Must Fall study guide download
  • FREE Scripture memory verse cards
  • FREE Church bulletin insert, poster, and media slide
  • Putting the X in Anxiety – 4 Surefire Ways to Show Anxiety the Exit Door

Sign up for this free Bible study here at FaithGateway.


I can't wait to get started on this study. I'm so excited. You do have to purchase the study guide but you will receive a 40% discount so you only have to pay $6.59 for the book (at the time of this post). You'll have to add shipping and tax. This is an awesome deal. You won't want to miss it. Loui Giglio also recommends an additional but optional resource called Goliath Must Fall: Winning the Battle Against Your Giants. 
At the time of this post, the optional book was out of stock.  If you are reading this now and the book is still out of stock, you can get it on Amazon right here.  I just ordered mine.

If for some reason, you are not able to order your Bible study guide via FaithGateway, you can also get it from Amazon here.

Here are other options.  If you missed the free online Bible study, you can get the Bible study guide and the CD here.

Lastly, if you have missed the free study and your opportunity to get the materials at FaithGateway, you can get the whole set on Amazon here.  The set below includes the Goliath Must Fall Bible study guide, the Goliath Must Fall:  Winning the Battle Against Your Giants Book, and the Bible study CD.

Have you ordered my book yet?

Have you ordered my book yet?
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