Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Praying the Scriptures Over Israel

Praying the Scriptures Over Israel
Praying the Scriptures Over Israel

I keep trying to type out my thoughts about the horrors happening to Israeli families, but no word in my vocabulary accurately describes the demonic horrors they are facing even as I type this post.  While my words fail me, God's Word is clear concerning the nation of Israel.  Like me, you might be feeling helpless, but we are not helpless.  There is something we can do right now.  It's the most powerful thing we can do.  Please join me in praying the Scriptures over Israel.

Praying the Scriptures Over Israel

Father God, 

Your chosen people are hurting.  While we find it challenging to speak adequate words over the horrors happening to Israeli families, Your Word never fails us.  Please hear our hearts as we pray Your Holy Word over Your chosen people.

God, you established Your everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants for generations to come.  You are the God of Abraham and the God of his descendants.  You gave to Israel, Abraham's descendants, the whole land of Canaan as an everlasting possession and You will be their God.  (Genesis 17:7-8)

Father, thank you for rescuing Israel form the hands of the Egyptians.  You brought them into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey.  (Exodus 3:8)

Lord, Israel is a people holy unto You.  Out of all the people on the face of the earth, You have chosen Israel to be Your treasured possession. (Deuteronomy 14:2)

Lord God, there is no one like Your people, Israel, the one nation on earth that you redeemed from Egypt for Yourself and to make a name for Yourself.  You have performed great and awesome wonders by driving out other nations and their false gods from your people Israel.  (2 Samuel 7:23)

Lord, to Israel You have given the adoption to sonship, divine glory, the covenants, the law, temple worship, and promises.  To Israel You gave the patriarchs, and from them, Jesus who is God over all, forever praised. (Romans 9:4-5)

Father, deliver Israel from all their troubles.  (Psalm 25:22)

Oh God, do not be silent or turn a deaf ear or remain aloof.  See how Your enemies growl and rear their heads.  They cunningly conspire against Your people.  They plot against those you cherish.  They want to destroy Israel so that no one will remember Your chosen people.  (Psalm 83:1-4)

Make Israel's enemies like tumbleweed, Lord, like chaff before the wind.  As quickly as a fire engulfs a forest and mountains, so chase Israel's enemies and terrify them.  Cover their faces with shame so they might seek You.  May the enemies of Israel be ashamed and dismayed forever.  My they die in disgrace.  May they know that You, Lord, are the Most High God over all the earth.  (Psalm 83:13-18)

Lord, now we lift our eyes up to the mountains knowing Israel's help comes from You, the maker of Heaven and Earth.  You will not let Israel's foot slip.  Lord, You who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.  Your Word tells us that You are Israel's shade so that the sun does not harm them by day nor the moon by night.  Father God, keep Israel from all harm.  Watch over Israel.  Watch over their coming and their going both today and forever.  (Psalm 121)

In Jesus' name we pray Your Word over Your chosen people, 


If you would like to pray this prayer over Israel every day as they face the horrors of this war, right-click and save the following document to your device.  Then, print it out and place it in your Bible, on your refrigerator, a mirror, a cabinet door - any place where you will see it every day as a reminder to pray over the nation of Israel.  Thank you for joining me in praying the Scriptures over Israel.

Praying the Scriptures Over Israel
Praying the Scriptures Over Israel - Print Me!

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