Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter
UPDATE:  Since this post was first published, the articles have either been removed from the Dayspring website or the links were changed.  However, you can still read many encouraging articles at Dayspring here.

Recently, I shared with you several articles on the topic of love and relationships from one of my affiliates, DaySpring Cards and Gifts.  What you might not know about the DaySpring website is that they have some pretty amazing writers.  DaySpring writers regularly post encouraging and uplifting articles to the DaySpring website.  There are articles for almost every holiday, particularly Christian holidays.  Today, I want to share inspiration and encouragement for Easter from DaySpring writers.

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter

5 Strategies for Planning the Perfect Easter Celebration by Mariali

5 Strategies for Planning the Perfect Easter Celebration
5 Strategies for Planning the Perfect Easter Celebration

Easter is coming! You can tell it’s closetulips are blooming and colorful, candy-filled Easter baskets now line the walls of our favorite supermarkets. It’s time to start thinking about Easter dresses and bonnets for the kids, preparing for community-wide egg hunts, and inviting loved ones to Easter dinner. With all these tasks in mind, it’s easy to focus on our ever-growing Easter to-do list rather than what Easter is primarily aboutour heart’s response to Jesus and the Cross. So, before we start stressing out about having the perfect Easter celebration, let’s dive in to what it means to observe this beautiful, life-giving holiday. Continue Reading . . . 

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter
Spring Bunny Table Topper Easter Decoration

When Jesus Said, "It is Finished," He Was Talking About You by Melody

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter

When Jesus Said, "It is Finished," He Was Talking About You

There’s such gravity in that moment. Imagining the Son of God, our Savior, with His battered and broken body nailed to a cross, stirs up a sense of both sadness and shame. He endured such terrible things that even thinking about them leads me to close my eyes in sorrow. Most every time I heard or read the story, my focus was on what happened, the events themselves, and less so on those three simple words He spoke at the end: “It is finished.” What did Jesus mean when He said “it is finished?"  Continue reading . . . 

Remembering Holy Week by Shawna

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter
Remembering Holy Week

And with those words…Holy Week began. As we begin our Holy Week celebration and head toward Easter Sunday, let’s remember the events leading to Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection and acknowledge their meaning. Reflect upon what happened on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before His crucifixion, when Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem with coats and branches laid at His feet and people praising Him. Those shouting Hosanna, or “save us,” were looking for an earthly warrior to rescue them from the harsh Roman rule.  Continue reading . . . 

Awesome Collection of Easter Songs by Amazing Song Artists

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter
Positively Easter:  An Awesome Collection of Easter Songs by Amazing Song Artists

How to Share His Good News with Family This Easter by Michelle Reyes

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter 2021
How to Share His Good News with Family This Easter

It can be hard to talk about the true meaning of Easter with some of our family members. We worry that we’ll say the wrong thing or just fumble over our words and not make any sense. What if we make them less interested in this holiday or confuse them or make it worse? 

These are real and valid concerns, which thankfully can be a bit alleviated by a bit of practice, sensitivity and planning. Below are three ways to get the conversation about Easter started with your non-believing family members.  Continue reading . . . 

Finding a seat for Easter by Leigh Sain 

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter 2021
Finding a Seat for Easter

“We have to go move the chairs. It’s Easter — the holiday of moving chairs . . . and talking about Jesus,” my youngest explains to his friend as I herd my kids into the car.

“What?” I ask, thinking that there are a thousand other ways to talk about the highest holy day on the church calendar. Moving chairs?

“Yeah, mom,” he answers grinning. “Jesus comes back to life; so we have to go move all the chairs!"  Continue reading . . .

He is Risen Yard Sign with Metal Stakes

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter
He Is Risen Yard Sign With Metal Stakes

Faith-Filled Easter Gifts for Grandchildren by Paige

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
Faith-Filled Easter Gifts for Grandchildren

Whether your grandkids live nearby or far away, Easter is a wonderful time to connect with them. It’s not only a time for fun and springtime surprises, but also a special opportunity to share the true meaning of the season. It’s never too early to start helping them learn more about JesusHis sacrifice and the new life He offers to us all. One way to share the meaning of this season is through Easter gifts for your grandchildren.  Continue reading . . . 

An Easter Prayer by Tina

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
An Easter Prayer

As we reflect on the Resurrection of Jesus, let’s take some time to praise Him and ask for even more of His Presence in our lives! Here’s a simple Easter prayer you can reflect on:  Continue reading . . . 

The Tomb is Empty - Our Hearts are Full by Paige 

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
The Tomb is Empty - Our Hearts are Full

And suddenly, I was reminded of the empty tomb and the childlike wonder of those who witnessed it—who stood at the entrance of the place where just hours before, the turning point in history had happened: human feet on holy ground. Hearts filled with the utter delight of God’s love made visible in a way that it had never been before.  Continue reading . . .

The Case for Christmas/The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter
The Case for Christmas/The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel

Learning Lessons on Faith:  God's Love is the Common Thread by Rachel Wojo

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
Learning Lessons on Faith:   God's Love is the Common Thread
 In reflecting on all that my mom taught me about sewing, I can easily see that her method of teaching was used in every area of life. Each day she took small deposits of time and purposed them to teach a bigger lesson. The stitches of her faith were sewn into my heart as she shared Bible lessons through worship music and Bible verses. The Bible stories she read to me as a little one were pieced together into bigger examples of faith as I grew older. Her faith wasn’t just a tapestry she was weaving in her own heart; it was a legacy she was sharing with others.  Continue reading . . . 

Explaining Easter to Kids (Without Scaring Them) by Gini

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
Explaining Easter to Kids (Without Scaring Them)

Easter is a unique holiday for Christians because it carries weight. We know that in order for the stone to be rolled away, Jesus had to first be crucified, tortured and left to die next to thieves. This is not an easy topic for adults to discuss, so how do we explain Easter to our kids without completely terrifying them? How do we describe the gravity of the holiday without horrifying them with the ugly, painful details of the suffering that Jesus endured? Or are we supposed to let them feel the pain and join them where they are?  Continue reading . . . 

Sharing the Gospel with Teens This Easter by Mariali 

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
Sharing the Gospel with Teens This Easter

When it comes to teenagers, it’s interesting that many adults have a challenging time with this stage of life. Many of us are confused by how to parent them, teach them, relate to them, and even talk to them. They’re not kids anymore, but they have yet to go through some experiences that help them fully become adults. And when it comes to talking about Easter or sharing the Gospel with teens…well, where do you start?  Continue reading . . .

A Grandparent's Guide to Easter by Anna

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
A Grandparent's Guide to Easter

When we give gifts (especially as a grandparent to a grandchild) we have the chance to bless even more deeply than the thrill of having something fun to unwrap. We have the chance to let the recipient know that we know them. And we have the chance to pass on eternal truths about the Lord’s love, even via the gifts that make their way into a plastic grass-filled Easter gift basket.  Continue reading . . .

Favorite Easter Hymns and Their Histories by Julie

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
Favorite Easter Hymns and Their Histories

My fondest Easter memories are centered around singing together as a congregation. I can remember the church being filled with Easter lilies and other girls like me decked out in our new, pastel-colored Easter dresses. But more than anything, I recall everyone’s voice being raised to God with hymns of worship, praising Him for sending His Son to die for our sins. Including my own. The stories behind the hymns we sing and the history of these Easter songs hold lessons about the songwriters’ great faith.  Continue reading . . . 

What's in Your Easter Basket? by Paige

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
What's in Your Easter Basket

For many of us, life is filled to the brim. Commitments, activities, relationships and to-do lists take a lot of our time and energy (often in wonderful ways!)—especially as we are preparing for Easter. As you pack Easter baskets for children and friends, have you stopped to think about what’s in your Easter basket? We all need a pause now and thenan opportunity to be still and allow our Creator to fill us up with His goodness and love.  Continue reading . . . 

Shine God's Light in the Midst of Holiday Stress by Gini

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
Shine God's Light in the Midst of Holiday Stress

Yes, in my world, holidays are action-packed with family, kids, utility vehicles, last years’ fireworks, heated political debates and even an occasional attack turkey. And, even though I wouldn’t change it for the world, it’s a lot to take on and many times, I find myself stressed out at the situation just trying to manage to get through the holiday without getting hurt.  Continue reading . . . 

3 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Family for Easter by Gini

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
3 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Family for Easter

Yes, Easter is a beautifully amazing holidayone that stands out from the rest. Why? Because to fully understand the celebration, to fully accept the joy of the season, we must first comprehend the hard truth of Jesus’ sacrifice. So, the question is: how can we prepare ourselves and our families in the days leading up to Easter so that we can fully accept His love and grace on that beautiful Easter Sunday morning?  Continue reading . . .

Christian Hymns for Easter (These are Hymn classics you will absolutely love.)

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter
Classic Christian Hymns for Easter

The Blood of Forgiveness and Cleansing by Roy Lessin

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
The Blood of Forgiveness and Cleansing

Jesus was crucified at the time of the Jewish Feast of Passover. This was not a coincidence. It was ordained of God. Jesus is called our Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7) and also the Lamb of God (John 1:29).

The first Passover took place more than 3,000 years ago. It happened on the night when God sent the tenth plague upon Egypt. This plague would bring death to the first born in the land. To escape this judgement, the Jewish people were to follow God’s specific instructions for deliverance.  Continue reading . . . 

 The Blood of Redemption by Roy Lessin

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
The Blood of Redemption

In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.  Ephesians 1:7 KJV

“You are forgiven and made clean.” How glorious and freeing are these words spoken from God’s heart to the hearts of those who have confessed and repented of their sins. And to those who believe and are God’s children, no words spoken by your heavenly Father could be more assuring than, “You are mine!”  Continue reading . . .

The Blood of Access by Roy Lessin

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
The Blood of Access

How could this problem of separation be solved? How could sinful people gain back access into fellowship and communion with a Holy God? It was impossible! God was the only one who could provide the way to bring us back to Himself. He provided it through love—by His grace, by His mercy, and by the blood of atonement.  Continue reading . . . 

The Blood of Eternal Hope by Roy Lessin

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
The Blood of Eternal Hope

It is His blood, and His blood alone, that makes it possible for us to carry the hope of heaven in our hearts. To say that we must do something to merit a place in heaven is to say that the blood of Jesus is not sufficient. When Jesus said, “It is finished” the price of our redemption was fully secured…three days later, when Jesus rose from the dead, our hope of heaven was fully assured. The hymn writer, Edward Mote, understood this truth when he wrote, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”  Continue reading . . . 

 Surrounded by Roy Lessin

Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)

Suppose you owned a flashlight that was able to shine a light completely around you and send out a beam for a distance of 100 feet. Now suppose you had a super flashlight that was able to shine a beam completely around you that could reach to the end of the universe. God’s grace is like a super beam of light. It radiates from His presence and arrives unbroken from His throne to the place where you are.  Continue reading . . . 


Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter (2021)
Inspiration and Encouragement for Easter

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Pumpkin Season White Ceramic Mug, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Suitable for Hot Liquids

Pumpkin Season White Ceramic Mug, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Suitable for Hot Liquids
Grab yours here!

Beach Themed Coloring Pages: 110 Coloring Pages

Beach Themed Coloring Pages: 110 Coloring Pages
Grab yours here!

Verse of the Day from Bible Gateway