Sunday, August 14, 2016

Woodlawn Movie Review and Supplemental Materials

Woodlawn Movie Review and Supplemental Materials
Image Credit via Family Christian Bloggers
Family Christian Stores sent me to the pre-screening of the Woodlawn movie with the option to post my honest review.

I love faith based movies. The Kendrick Brothers films, Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof and Courageous are among my all time favorites, and now so is War Room.  I was excited about the opportunity to preview yet another faith based film called Woodlawn, scheduled to air in October. Woodlawn is not a Kendrick Brothers film but an Erwin Brothers film. Last year, I enjoyed Mom’s Night Out, also by the Erwin brothers, so I look forward to their new Woodlawn movie.


Woodlawn is based on a true story, set in Birmingham, Alabama during a period of lasting racial tensions stretching into the early 1970s.

In 1973, the government mandated desegregation in the school systems across the United States. Football player Tony Nathan joins other African-American teenagers at Woodlawn Highschool. Coach Tandy Geralds must find a way to solve new challenges and unite a football team.

A minister who is new to the community feels led to speak to the high school football team. Coach Geralds half-heartedly agrees to let him speak to the players. The meeting resulted in changed lives. Black and White players prayed together and almost the entire football team gave their lives to Christ – right there at Woodlawn High School. Their individual decisions and the collective decision of the team to follow Biblical principles spilled over into the community and created the true-story legend on which this film is based.

 As I watched the film, I realized that the news headlines then are much like the news headlines we see today – public school students praying on school grounds and racial tensions fading and renewing in a seemingly endless cycle. The movie is set in the early 1970s but its content and its message is as relevant today as it was back then.

In fact, the message of this movie was relevant then, relevant today, and will be relevant as far as the future stretches.

Watch the trailer here.

Woodlawn Movie Review and Supplemental Materials
This item is available here.

If you prefer to read the book first, get it here.

Woodlawn Movie Review and Supplemental Materials
This item is available here.

There is also a devotional that goes along with the Woodlawn Movie.  Get it here!

Woodlawn Movie Review and Supplemental Materials
This item is available here.

Spiritual Pillars of a Biblical Worldview

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Spiritual Pillars of a Biblical Worldview
Image Credit:  Public Domain Image via Freely Photos
 The following are my Bible study notes based on my pastor's sermon.

Raising families in today’s world is a calling. We need to be sure that we raise our children with a Biblical worldview. We need to make sure we as adults have a Biblical worldview.
Worthy are you our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created. – Revelation 4:11

Foundations for Developing a Biblical Worldview

Four Spiritual Pillars of a Biblical Worldview

1.  The Creation – Genesis Chapters 1 and 2

As His Image-Bearers:

*We are like God in that we are spiritual.

*We are like God in that we are moral.

*We are like God in that we are rational.

*We are like God in that we are creative.

*We are like God in that we are relational.

2.  The Fall – Genesis Chapter 3 (Old Testament)

Sin led to our brokenness . . .

*Spiritually, our relationship with God is broken.

*Morally, we can no longer do what is natural.

*Rationally, we have difficulty discerning the truth, and in particular, it is impossible for us to discern spiritual truth.

*Creatively, we use our imagination and creative capacities to make idols and worship them instead of worshiping God.

*Relationally, we tend to love our self, and all other relationships are broken.

 3.  Redemption (New Testament)

*He is redeeming us spiritually. He has declared us righteous because of the work of His Son.

*He is redeeming us morally. We can now do good.

*Rationally, we can now discern the truth.

*Creatively, we can now use our imaginative capacities to worship Him.

*Relationally, we can know how to love others based on the love Christ has for us.

 4New Creation – Revelation

*Jesus will come again.

*He will bring a New Heaven and a New Earth.

There will be worshipers from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation

3 Things God Wants From You

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3 Things God Wants From You
Image Credit:  Tessa Rampersad - Public Domain Image - via Freely Photos
The following are my Bible study notes based on my pastor's sermon.
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God? – Micah 6:8
Have you ever asked the question, “What does God want from me?” Life can get busy, overwhelming, and confusing. We might find ourselves caught up in the busyness of this life and wonder if we are making a difference. During our toughest times, we might be inclined to scream to Heaven and plead with Him, “What do You want from me?!” We can find answers in the scriptures. There are many things He wants from us while we are here on this earth. Here are just three of those things.

3 Things God Wants from You

God wants you to:

Leave a legacy.

When days get darker, Christians need to shine brighter. The older you get, the more Satan attacks your life.
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
This item is available here.
For it is He who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. – Philippians 2:13
 Love with kindness.

Don’t throw rocks. Throw ropes! Too often, we are inclined to condemn those who fall into the snares of a sinful lifestyle. We cannot condone sin. Sin is sin. However, we need to be more mindful of the fact that we all sin and that we are supposed to love one another. Instead of “throwing a stone,” we need to “throw a rope” and help people overcome and get out of a sinful situation.
See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled. – Hebrews 12:15
 Walk in humility.
You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time. – 1 Peter 5:5-6 

The Woodcarver: Faith and Family Film

The Woodcarver: Faith and Family Film

The Woodcarver

Last night, our family ended the day with a family television movie, The Woodcarver.  The film is the sequel to WWJD.  It’s a faith based family film.

The movie addresses several areas of conflict within the typical American family. Matthew Stevenson is a teenager who rebels against his parents. His parents are on the verge of divorce and Matthew isn’t handling it well. To get attention, he vandalizes a church and destroys detailed carvings. Instead of facing criminal charges, Matthew agrees to repair the damage. He ends up working alongside the woodcarver. The two form a unique friendship which leads to renewed faith and restored relationships.

This film is an encouragement to families for several reasons. It covers several areas of potential conflict within the family unit:

Broken Relationships

Potential Divorce

Rebellious Attitude

Terminal Illness

Loss of Life







Work vs Family

Although the film deals with several critical issues, it is not an action packed drama. It is low key family drama which leaves plenty of room for family discussions after the film. You can learn more about The Woodcarver here.

Watch the movie trailer.

After reading about The Woodcarver movie and then watching the trailer, you will want to add this faith based family film to your home media library.

With all the negative media influences which constantly invade our homes and minds, I think it is important to view and discuss faith based films as often as possible. As long as films remain true to scripture and encourage viewers to live by Biblical principles, they can have a vital positive impact on lives and families. We enjoyed the movie and we hope you will too.

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Pumpkin Season White Ceramic Mug, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Suitable for Hot Liquids

Pumpkin Season White Ceramic Mug, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Suitable for Hot Liquids
Grab yours here!

Beach Themed Coloring Pages: 110 Coloring Pages

Beach Themed Coloring Pages: 110 Coloring Pages
Grab yours here!

Verse of the Day from Bible Gateway