Saturday, January 2, 2021

Abram and Lot, Genesis 13-14, Coloring Through the Bible

Coloring Through the Bible, Abram and Lot, Genesis 13-14
Coloring Through the Bible, Genesis 13-14, Abram and Lot

Abram and Lot:  Genesis 13-14

After Pharaoh sent Abram and Sarai away with all their possessions, Abram, Sarai, and Lot went back to the area between Bethel and Ai.  This is the place where Abram had first built an alter to the Lord.  As was true to Abram's custom, he called on the name of the Lord. 

In Genesis 13:1-4, Abram returns to  Bethel where he had previously built an alter.  If you have ever strayed from God, you can return to fellowship with Him. Isn't that comforting? 

Lot, Abram's nephew, had been traveling with Abram.  Both men had acquired a large amount of possessions, so great that the land would not support them.  On top of that, Abram's herders and Lot's herders were arguing with each other.

Abram valued his family relationship with Lot.  He didn't want quarreling so he told Lot to take the land either to the right or to the left.  Abram would take his family and possessions in the opposite direction.  Lot chose to go east to the whole plain of the Jordan because it was well watered.  Abram chose to live in the land of Canaan.  Lot's land was near Sodom where the people were wicked and sinned greatly against God.

After Lot left Abram, God told him:

"Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west.  All the land you see, I will give to you and your offspring forever.  I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.  Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you." - Genesis 13:14-17
Abram chose to go to Hebron.  Then guess what he did?

Abram built an alter to the Lord.

The beginning of the 14th chapter of Genesis describes warring between 9 kings in the region where Lot lived, near the lands of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Four kings eventually seized all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, including Abram's nephew, Lot, and all of Lot's possessions.

A man escaped and reported the situation to Abram.  Abram gathered 318 trained men to go after Lot.  Abram succeeded.  He brought Lot and Lot's possessions as well as the women and other people.

Melchizedek, king of Salem, went to Lot.  Melchizedek was a priest of God and he blessed Abram saying:
Blessed be Abram by God Most High,
Creator of Heaven and earth.
And praise be to God Most High,
Who delivered your enemies into your hand. - Genesis 14:19-20

Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of everything.

The king of Sodom wanted Abram to give him the people back, but told Abram that he could keep the goods for himself. 

However, Abram told the king of Sodom that he had taken an oath to the Lord that he would take nothing belonging to the king of Sodom so that the king of Sodom could not claim to have made Abram wealthy.  Abram only asked for the food his men had eaten and the share that belonged to the men who had gone with Abram.


I recently learned that there is a belief that Lot was not Abram's nephew but his brother instead.  Roger Patterson at Answers in Genesis explains here that Lot was both Abram's nephew and his brother.  Lot was Abram's nephew biologically, but Lot was considered Abram's brother because he was a member of the family of Terah.


Charles Stanley teaches two a life lessons based on Genesis 13:8 and Genesisi 14:20  He reminds us that:

Abram counted a good relationship with his nephew as more important than his own material prosperity. He didn’t have to worry about his possessions because he had seen that no one can ever outgive God. (Charles Stanley Life Principles Daily Bible)

The mysterious priest Melchizedek reminded Abram that God had given him the victory. Even though it was Abram’s men that did the fighting, God was the one who was in control, and He is the author of all blessings. (Charles Stanley Life Principles Daily Bible)

John MacArthur tells us concerning Genesis 13:8:

Abram’s whole reaction in resolving the strife between the two households and their personnel portrayed a different Abram than seen in Egypt; one whose attitude was not self-centered. Waving his right to seniority, he gave the choice to his nephew, Lot. (The NKJV MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition)

Regarding Genesis 13:9, MacArthur says:

Abram gladly called on Lot to select for himself what he desired for his household and flocks. After Lot’s choice had been exercised, then Abram would accept what was left for him. Perhaps this did much to restore, in the eyes of the servants, Abram’s integrity and reputation. (The NKJV MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition)

If you are teaching children the story of Abram and Lot, you can download and/or print coloring pages from DLTK here

You can use free images of Abram and Lot from Free Bible Images here.

If you are joining me using your Beautiful Word Coloring Bible, here's a look at my pages.  I'd love to see yours! 

Abram and Lot, Beautiful Word Coloring Bible
Abram and Lot, The Beautiful Word Coloring Bible

If you don't have a Beautiful Work Coloring Bible, get yours here.


Genesis 13-14, Abram and Lot, Coloring Through the Bible
Coloring Through the Bible, Abram and Lot

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