Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Legacy of a Christian Mom

I've been thinking a lot about my mother and my grandmothers lately, especially with Mother's Day approaching.  I think about the legacy they left for me.  This fall, I will hold my first grand baby in my arms.  If I can be only a fraction of a grandmother to my grandbaby that my grandmothers were to me and a fraction of the grandmother to my grandbaby that my mother has been to my children, I will be doing well.  The legacy of a Christian mom not only blesses one generation, but several.  The legacy of a christian mom can be handed down from one generation to another and to another and to another.  Teri at Dayspring Cards and Gifts writes about the legacy of a christian mom as it relates to her.

The Legacy of a Christian Mom
The Legacy of a Christian Mom

The Legacy of a Christian Mom 

by Teri at Dayspring Cards and Gifts

I’m a fourth-generation pastor’s wife. My great-grandfather was a Southern Baptist preacher as was my grandfather as is my dad. And, as it worked out though I promised never to do it, I find myself almost twenty-one years into marriage with my own pastor-husband. (Side note: Never say never.) As I look back at the legacy of faith my Christian mom, grandmother, and great-grandmother built, I realize I have big shoes to fill when it comes to raising my own Christian children.

My Neenie was the consummate Southern lady. Always elegant and gracious. In her ninety-plus years, her faith was the steady backbone of our family. As her sight failed, she listened to the Bible on audio tapes. She prayed over and for all of us, reminding us it was God alone who provided for us, who sustained us.

My Bigmama is, as my uncle says, “a force of nature.” Even at eighty-two, she sweeps into a room, filling it with energy and life. She’s passionate and creative and has the most beautiful servant heart. Even now, as she cares for my Bigdaddy who has Parkinson’s, Bigmama welcomes others into her home and her heart. Her hospitality is a beautiful picture of the God who welcomes us all to Him.

My mom is quiet, reflective. Rarely willing to step into the spotlight, her prayer journals are full of the needs of others and the sweet ways God has answered. Though she will always step in when needed, her preference is always to help and serve in the shadows.

As Mother’s Day approaches, I’ve been thinking about what a gift it is to have this heritage. To be part of a line of women who have taught and served and loved in countless ways is nothing to take lightly.
The lessons I’ve learned from each of them influence every part of my life. From my Neenie, a passion for the sustaining power of the Word of God. From my Bigmama, an abiding love for the Lord and for His Church. From my mom, a willingness to serve wherever I’m needed.

I’m raising a daughter of my own now. She’s seventeen and when I look at her, my prayer is always that she will love the Lord and abide in Him. I’m thankful she’s next in this line of women who have devoted themselves to the Lord. I see in her Neenie’s quiet grace, Bigmama’s devoted love, my mom’s ability to notice others.
Just as these women have profoundly impacted my life, they’ve also influenced hers. We’re the beneficiaries of these mothers who love the Lord, who pray, who walk in obedience and faith. It’s a firm foundation they’ve laid for us to walk upon and every day I pray we continue to shine, as they do, the light of Christ in this world.

What a better time than Mother’s Day to honor the women who have impacted your spiritual journey? Take time to let them know how much they mean to you with a handwritten card or inspirational gift, or by simply sending an Ecard. And for those who are no longer with us, like my Neenie, why not write them a little note in your journal to reflect on and celebrate their lives?

The Legacy of a Christian Mom
The Legacy of a Christian Mom

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The Legacy of a Christian Mom
Reflections on Motherhood:  A Letter to My Pre-Mom Self

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Downtown Newark, New Jersey

Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Downtown Newark, New Jersey

The post previous to this one is about my stay at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in downtown Newark, New Jersey.  I arrived late on my first night there so I wasn't sure what I might eat for dinner.  The hotel clerk recommended the Chateau of Spain Restaurant.  It was two blocks from the hotel.  After driving around for a while and not finding a parking space, I had to park back at the hotel and walk the two blocks to the restaurant.  Thankfully, the Chateau of Spain Restaurant did not disappoint.  

Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Downtown Newark, New Jersey

Upon arriving, I was told that the kitchen would only be open for another 15 minutes.  The dining room would only be open for another 30 minutes.  I expected to be rushed out because they obviously wanted to close on tine and go home.  However, I never felt rushed.  I was treated well by the restaurant staff.  My meal arrived in a reasonable amount of time and it was fantastic.

Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Newark, New Jersey
Fried Chicken Sandwich and Sweet Potato Fries

I ordered the fried chicken sandwich and sweet potato fries.  As you can see from the photo, there was plenty.  I enjoyed half for dinner and saved the other half of the meal for lunch the next day.  It was so good.  My husband ordered the steak fajitas.  I didn't get a photo but he enjoyed his dinner as well.  

The Chateau of Spain restaurant served great food and the staff was wonderful.  If I'm ever back in the area again, I will eat there again.

If you're in the are, here is a pic of their menu as of April 2022.

Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Chateau of Spain Restaurant Menu

Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Chateau of Spain Restaurant Menu


Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Chateau of Spain Restaurant in Downtown Newark New Jersey

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey

This week, I had an opportunity to travel to a new place so I took it.  Due to a business opportunity, I am spending this week in downtown Newark, New Jersey.  I have to say that the city of Newark is not impressive to me.  The Newark, New Jersey website doesn't offer much in the area of tourism and recreation.  However, I'm staying in the Marriott Courtyard Hotel and it is super nice.  

The hotel staff has been courteous and helpful.  One staffer recommended a nice restaurant and another restocked the market with Diet Pepsi just for me.  :)

Newark is not a city I would recommend as a vacation spot or recreational activity but if you have to stay in the city for business purposes, I do recommend this hotel.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Rounded Sofa with Footrest and Table

My room offered a nice rounded sofa with a footrest and a small table.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Queen Sized Bed

My bed is a nice queen sized bed and very comfortable to sleep on.  The lights attached to the headboard are great for nighttime reading.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Nice desk and Large TV

The desk in my hotel room is awesome.  There are actually two desks as the bottom desk is on wheels so that you can roll it out to position it anywhere else in the room if you like.  I pulled the bottom desk out so that I can work while positioned directly in front of the TV.  I'm writing this post while watching a TV show right now.  :)

The television is a large smart TV.  This Marriott Courtyard hotel allows you to log into your own Netflix account on the TV for free.  The WIFI here has been great so far.  I've had no issues staying online.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Large Closet

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Well Stocked Closet

The closet is large enough to hang several outfits.  It is stocked with hangers, iron, full size ironing board, and a luggage rack.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Artwork Decor is Appealing

My hotel room is decorated with pretty wall hangings and a pretty vase.  

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Mini Frig, Ice Box, and Coffee 

I have a mini frig available.  It's small so I can't put much in there.  My only complaint so far is that there is no microwave in the room.  If I need to heat something up, I have to go down to the lobby to use the microwave in the market shop.  That's a bit of a pain.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Nice Bathroom

The bathroom is nice and fairly large with a large marble countertop.  

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Clean Bathtub

The bathtub is clean.  The shower is nice.  The water is warm, but you might be slightly disappointed if you like your showers scalding hot (like me).  I love a HOT shower.  Here, the water is warm enough but I would prefer the water a bit warmer.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Bathroom Artwork

Even the bathroom displays artwork.  :)

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
39 Degrees North Products

Have you ever tried 39 Degrees North products?  You'll get the chance to try them for free here at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Newark, New Jersey.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Clean Toilet

When I travel, a clean toilet is a must.  This one did not disappoint.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Relaxing Area to Dine and Rest 

In the lobby area, there is a nice large space to eat a free breakfast or rest outside the hotel room.  This space is good for small meetings if you don't require a private and quiet space.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Free Breakfast and Dining Area

If you choose to take advantage of the free breakfast, you will enjoy a nice dining space.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
The Marriott Courtyard Market

If you forget your toothbrush or you need Tylenol or snacks, you can get those items in the hotel Market.  The market in this particular Marriott Courtyard offers soft drinks, water, tea, chicken pot pies, soups, and a variety of other foods and beverages.  This is where you will find the one microwave to heat up your meal if you have leftovers from the day before.  There is no microwave in my hotel room.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
The Marriott Hotel Laundry Room

Need to wash your clothes?  The hotel offers a laundry room.  You can buy laundry detergent in the hotel Market.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Hotel Gym

Don't want to skip your workout while away from home?  You can enjoy a workout in the hotel gym.

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
Hotel Security

The security here at the hotel is comforting, especially since I'm not impressed with the area.  It's almost too confusing to explain.  I was asked to park on the fifth level of the parking deck so I did.  Then I had to take a garage elevator back down to the first level.  Then I had to walk around the curb heading up to the second level to enter the hotel.  Then I had to walk upstairs to the second floor to the hotel lobby where I could take the hotel elevator up the 7th floor where my room is located.  Once inside the hotel elevator, I had to use my room key before I could punch the number and activate the elevator.  

It is possible for someone to get inside and perhaps manipulate the system if he or she knows what he or she is doing, but no one can rush inside the hotel quickly and cause problems.  

My view of downtown Newark, New Jersey from my hotel room:

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
My View 1

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
My View 2

The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
My View 3

To close, I can't recommend Newark, New Jersey for your next vacation spot or family adventure but if you need to stay in the area for another reason, I do recommend the Marriott Courtyard hotel in downtown Newark, New Jersey.


The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey
The Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Newark, New Jersey

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter Music Playlist

Easter Music Playlist

Easter Music Playlist

Need an Easter music playlist?  The following videos feature some of my favorite Easter songs.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed them through the years.  May they encourage a heart of gratitude for the sacrifice Christ made for us.  

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. - John 3:16

Let's make this verse a little more personal:

God so loves (insert your name here), that He gave His only Son so that if (insert your name here) believes in Him, he/she will have eternal life. - John 3:16

If you want to know how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus, find out here.

Now, enjoy this Easter music playlist!

Easter Music Playlist

Easter Music Playlist
Easter Music Playlist

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Have you ordered my book yet?
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Pumpkin Season White Ceramic Mug, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Suitable for Hot Liquids

Pumpkin Season White Ceramic Mug, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Suitable for Hot Liquids
Grab yours here!

Beach Themed Coloring Pages: 110 Coloring Pages

Beach Themed Coloring Pages: 110 Coloring Pages
Grab yours here!

Verse of the Day from Bible Gateway