Saturday, November 25, 2023

Pray for a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Pray for a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pray for a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil

If you are praying with me over International Mission Board missionaries this week, we are on day 4 of 7.  Previously we have prayed for Paul Yount and Willie Brown who serve in StoryOne camps in Africa, Tim and Annie Tidenberg who server in missions pastoral care in Africa, and for Don and Pam Lynch who operate a Coffee Bike ministry in Belgium.  Today we are asked to pray for Eric and Ramona Reese who are serving as church planters in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  

Eric and Ramona have served in Brazil for 22 years, sometimes in dangerous locations.  The following is an excerpt from an amazing story.  You can start reading it here.  Then, click through to read the rest.

The pastor of a congregation in the slum of Santa Lucas invited me to preach during a special event for his church. Several murders had recently occurred in the community, and the pastor wanted me to encourage his people to not be fearful. He told me the theme of the event: “Men of God who are not fearful.”

Based on the title, I wasn’t sure I was the best choice to speak, but I accepted his invitation anyway. A young seminary student named John accompanied me. His job while I preached was to pray, because I knew we were going into a dangerous community.

I preached on a familiar story—David and Goliath. I had three main points I wanted to make. The first was that men of God who stand for God are not afraid to fight for God. I explained the point. “If someone came to me to say that Jesus is not Lord, I would stand my ground and be willing to say that He is Lord. I would be willing to fight for what is true.”

As soon as I said that, gunshots erupted from out in the community. The only person who hit the deck was the guest-speaking American missionary invited to tell the locals that men of God are men of courage. John laughed out loud. I looked out from my prone position to see smiles across the congregation. I stood up, apologized, and resumed preaching.

My second point was that David carried with him memories of being willing to fight for the right. King Saul told David he was too young to fight Goliath, yet David told Saul how when he was a young shepherd, he killed a lion and a bear that threatened his sheep.

As if on cue, shots rang out again. This time, though, they came from a machine gun. And this time, the bullets hit the church building. One bullet went through the top of a wall and hit a ceiling fan in the sanctuary. Again, I hit the deck. This time, I wasn’t alone… READ MORE . . .

Here are specific ways to pray for Erica and Ramona as they serve in a new church plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Specific Ways to Pray for a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil

1. Today let’s pray for the protection and the power of the Reeses’ ministry in Brazil!

2.  Ask God to bless a sports ministry the Reeses are working with in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

3.  Pray for many partnerships forming with Brazilian Baptists.

Save the following image to your computer.  Then, print it out and place it in a location that you see often as a reminder to pray for Eric and Ramona Reese and their church plant in Brazil.

Pray for a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pray for a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Pin the following image so others can also pray for Eric and Ramona Reese.
Pray for a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pray for a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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