Wednesday, January 27, 2016

21 Days of Prayer

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21 Days of Prayer
Image Credit:  Ben White - Public Domain Image - via Freely Photos
At our church, we are in the middle of 21 Days of Prayer.  The 21 days of prayer are divided into three themes.  For the first 7 days, the prayer theme is “Attributes of God.”  The theme for days 8 to 14 is “Change Me.”  The theme for days 15 to 21 is “Use Our Church.”  We are doing this as a church family but as I pray these prayers, I’m thinking the 21 Days of Prayer is a great personal or family challenge.  I’ve been working on improving my prayer life.  I’ve always prayed, but I’m learning to pray more specifically.  Having a guide helps me focus on specifics.  Perhaps you would like to begin a personal journey through 21 Days of Prayer or maybe you would like to start a 21 Days of Prayer challenge with your family.  If so, here are our 21 Days of Prayer.

21 Days of Prayer

Week 1 – Attributes of God

Day 1:  Lord God, you are holy.  I pray that I would be holy as You are holy.

Day 2:  Our God is perfect in all His ways.  Praise the Lord for His infinite perfections today.

Day 3:  We serve a righteous God.  May we surrender to your justice and righteousness as we live for you.

Day 4:  Dear Lord, show me your power and might.  Let me see Your glory today and not the trivialities of life.

Day 5:  Our God is miraculous.  We praise You for the miracle of salvation.

Day 6:  Be gracious to me according to your steadfast loving-kindness.  Help me to love others like you.

Day 7:  Create in me a clean heart, O God.  Renew my spirit.  Help me to keep my eyes on you.

Week 2 – Change Me

Day 8:  Pray that God would give you a fresh love for His Word, passionately desiring to spend time in it and apply it to your life daily.

Day 9:  Pray that you will grow in your understanding of and obedience to the truth of God’s Word.  Pray that He will change you to be more like Him.

Day 10:  Pray that God would keep you close to Him and that you would live in righteousness and grow in steadfast love as you seek Him.

Day 11:  Pray that you would reject the delusion of the pleasures of this world and only seek after God as you find your satisfaction in Him.

Day 12:  Pray that you would know continually that there can be no true happiness, no fulfilling purpose apart from a life lived for God’s glory.

Day 13:  Pray for God to help you focus on the needs of the people around you and have a burden for those who need the Lord.

Day 14:  Pray for courage to open your mouth when the Lord prompts you and have a gospel conversation before this 21 day journey is done.

Week 3 – Use Our Church

Day 15:  Pray that God will work in you and in our church to position us to be used to bring glory  to Him and see souls saved for eternity.

Day 16:  Pray for God’s continued favor as we move into this building expansion and that He would be glorified as we seek Him through this time.

Day 17:  Pray that you personally and our church family would be obedient to follow the Lord in order to see the completion of this vision.

Day 18:  Pray that God’s hand will be on our construction team and the workers who will be on our campus that His light will be evident to them.

Day 19:  Pray that God will use our church to bring your neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family from death to life in Jesus Christ.

Day 20:  Pray that God would use you in ministry at Blackshear Place.  Ask Him to show you how He would have you serve Him.

Day 21:  Pray that the Lord will raise up Godly leaders who will continue to stand firm on His Word and awaken this generation for Christ.

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